
SpaceX to Test Mars Rocket in Early 2022, Confirms Elon Musk

SpaceX to Test Its Mars Rocket in 2019's First Half, Confirms Elon Musk

At the SXSW 2018 event yesterday, Elon Musk made some interesting revelations regarding his ambitions to colonize Mars and SpaceX's plans to test its Mars rocket adjacent year. "I think we'll be able to practise short flights, up and down flights, onetime in the first half of adjacent twelvemonth", said the Tesla chief during an interview at the result.

space X mars
Image courtesy: HighTech

Even though 2019's first half is the expected time frame of SpaceX's first test flight of the BFR interplanetary vehicle, Musk quipped that a slight alter in schedule may also occur. "Although sometimes my timelines are a lilliputian… yous know"he jokingly said, referring to the delays that take plagued the projects at Tesla and SpaceX in the by.

He also talked about the challenges in sending a mission to Mars and colonizing the planet in a bid to salvage humanity if a third world war happens. "The biggest thing that would exist helpful is just general support and encouragement and goodwill. I think one time we build it nosotros'll accept a point of proof something that other companies and countries can go and do. They certainly don't think it's possible, only if nosotros exercise they'll up their game" he was quoted as maxim by CNBC. Musk talked extensively most his vision of colonizing Mars, a club that will be established on democratic principles and will need everything from atomic number 26 foundries to pizza joints and confined.

For the early people that go to Mars, it volition be far more unsafe. It kind of reads similar (Ernest) Shackleton'southward ad for Antarctic explorers: Hard, unsafe, good take a chance you lot'll die. Excitement for those who survive.

The celebrity entrepreneur also discussed the destructive potential of AI and how it can conductor an existential crisis if proper regulations are non imposed on its development, stressing that AI is far more dangerous than nuclear warheads.

Yous tin sentry the complete interview beneath:


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