
How To Repair Minor Scratch On Hardwood Floors


Remember the new shoes y'all got at the beginning of the school yr and how you tried to keep them in pristine condition as long as possible? Or when you got your outset car and parked far away from other vehicles to keep information technology from getting scratched or dinged? You may experience the aforementioned manner—most preventing scratches on your hardwood floor. When it comes to hardwood floor scratch repair, nosotros're here to aid.

Like your new shoes and first car, yous desire to continue your new hardwood floor as perfect every bit the first day it was installed. You may even insist that family and guests remove their shoes upon entering or put downwardly plastic. Fortunately, you don't have to go to extremes to keep your hardwood floors looking great.

How to Preclude Scratches on Hardwood Flooring

Preventing scratches on wood floors doesn't price a fortune. Basic care and hardwood cleaning are the first steps toward minimizing scratches and scuffs. Not just will y'all exist removing grit and grime, but y'all'll be in the all-time position to observe a problem area before it worsens. Natural wood is at constant risk of surface vesture and impairment, so prevention plays an important function.

hardwood-flooring-maintenanceCheque out our floor care guide for specific tips and tricks. At Classic Wood Floors, nosotros recommend weekly dusting and cleaning with a microfiber duster and a mop or clean pads pre-moistened with Bona hardwood floor cleaner.

Several of Bona Products (our favorites) are created for multi-surfaces: laminate wood flooring, engineered wood floor, and hardwood flooring. The Bona Free & Unproblematic Hardwood Floor Cleaner is a safe option for families and pet owning households. It is hypo-allergenic and leaves no dulling residue. For small jobs, Bona Wood Floor Cleaner tin can fifty-fifty hide pocket-size scuffs and scratches.

Bona'due south Pro Series Hardwood Flooring Refresher provides a clear, highly durable gloss to polyurethane-finished wood floors that are scratched. Learn how to clean hardwood floors and protect your beautiful investment.

The second step in preventing scratches is placing pads on the bottom of all article of furniture you lot will be moving on your hardwood flooring. This tin can mean anything from a temporary towel nether your sofa legs or a more permanent safe or felt pad on chair and table legs. This preventative step is often overlooked —to the detriment of your floor. An uncovered chair leg tin leave a gouge that cannot exist ignored.


The third step to prevent scratches on hardwood flooring is foot traffic consideration. This needs to be on your radar, considering sure styles of shoes, like high heels, can do permanent damage to your floor. Some homeowners may request that guests remove these types of shoes before entering their homes.

Hide Surface Scratches on Hardwood Floors

Fix pocket-sized hardwood flooring scratches and small-scale blemishes easily with DIY repair. Y'all can utilize a colour matching fine tip permanent marker or woods stain pens and blending sticks. These inexpensive items hide scratches on hardwood floors and brand for piece of cake hardwood flooring scratch repair.

Hardwood Floor Scratch Remover

Most hardwood flooring scratch repair is easily achievable with a little elbow grease, a small tin of stain, and a fine-grit sandpaper. Subsequently sanding in the direction of the grain, use a tiny amount of stain. If you are nervous using stain, try a walnut. Walnuts have an oily brown dye that can repair scratches on hardwood floors and raise the look of worn areas. Let the oil sit for a few minutes then buff with a textile.

In improver, a number of scratch-minimizing products can be easily applied with a cloth. They fill in the lighter colored scratches in the same manner that the walnut dye does. Whichever product you choose, these hardwood floor scratch removers make information technology almost incommunicable to discover the original scratches. If you lot're nervous about tackling this procedure yourself, experience gratis to arrive touch with us.


Scratches on Engineered Flooring

Information technology'south of import to note that while engineered forest flooring is more durable than traditional woods floors, it can withal scratch, most often when in high traffic areas. Scratches on engineered flooring can exist repaired using a wax-based repair kit fabricated specifically for this type of floor. There are many unlike brands available. Read the label to make certain information technology's suited to your flooring or phone call us for a recommendation.

For this process, you will utilize a putty knife to push the filler into the scratch. It will brand the scratch unnoticeable, even invisible. Just be sure to read the label and instructions.

Prepare Deep Scratches in Hardwood Flooring

For deep scratches and gouges, try a pre-colored latex wood filler. You can fill, stain, and finish small, deep holes best with this option. If the area of damage is more significant, information technology may exist time to have usa evaluate the damage.

When to Call in a Professional person for a Hardwood Flooring Scratch

Any damage that has taken the terminate off and exposed wood will need to be repaired. If left exposed too long, the woods will be susceptible to moisture damage. Therefore, repairing a modest area volition salvage you in the long run. Yous should also call a professional any time yous feel less than 100% confident in your power to handle the repair yourself.


Call or email us at Classic Woods Floors for a free consultation. Nosotros'll evaluate the impairment and let you know what it needs. With fifty years of experience, nosotros tin can tell you we beloved hardwood flooring equally much equally yous exercise, and we want you to enjoy your hardwood floor for years to come.

Long Term Hardwood Flooring Care

Hardwood flooring is durable enough to terminal for several lifetimes. But, similar all surfaces, it is decumbent to wear and tear likewise as some impairment. Cleaning and maintaining volition go a long manner in preventing scratches on hardwood flooring.

We promise this hardwood flooring scratch repair guide will help you keep your hardwood floors looking and wearing well for years to come up.

How To Repair Minor Scratch On Hardwood Floors,


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